Bring a Full Sized Helicopter to Your School
Inspire Kids to Follow Their Dreams
SkyVue’s Flight Program is an assembly program that uses STEM*
education to engage and inspire kids.
*Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
We cater to age groups Pre-K-12 and we also teach Staff Development days
Our program is best suited for outdoors. As an added benefit during this pandemic, we are naturally able to social distance in the open air.
Our Tools: Fully Functional Full Scale and R/C (Radio Controlled) Rotorcraft
The SkyVue Helicopter
SkyVue has its own full-scale helicopter!! Imagine having hands-on experience with a real helicopter right in your classroom. Stimulating the minds of future pilots and A&P mechanics is what we are all about. These careers are lucrative, in high demand, and are extremely rewarding. Our helicopter is trailerable and we can bring it with us.
A Career in Drones
10 years ago “Drones” as we know them today were barely an idea. Today, companies are delivering packages and plans are in the works to take you on a short hop downtown and back. The world we live in is quickly changing and drones are surely at the forefront. There are many careers in the field of “Multi-Rotors” that require STEM skills.
Radio Controlled Models and First Person View. There are countless STEM topics to touch on when it comes to these hobbies. Many full-scale pilots started out with these tiny counterparts. With today’s technology, they are becoming more maneuverable than ever. We bring our models so everyone can see how they work.
Here’s what to expect
High Energy Presentation
Science of Aerospace
Audience Interaction
R/C Simulator and Classroom Technology
Flight Demonstrations
A Life-long Motivational Experience
Hear What Students & Teachers Have to Say
“The presentation was very informative, inspirational, and stimulating! The message was, “keep working towards your goals,” which is a great message for the students and adults. ”
“It was a captivating experience. I don’t think I have ever seen my class so attentive. Drones are not something the kids see every day. ”
“One of the most exciting presenters you can bring to a school! Their technology and equipment are at the forefront of today’s current climate. ”
“I have always wanted to be a pilot, today was the best day ever!”
SkyVue is based out of central New Jersey and we typically can travel within 4 hours from home base.